Ethical Code and Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo ex D.Lgs 231/01

FFM has adopted its own Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo ex D.Lgs 231/01, of which the Code of Ethics is an integral part, with the aim of strengthening its Internal Control and Risk Management System and ensure ethical and correct management of their business.

The Board of Directors of FFM has appointed a 231 Supervisory Body, as an entity with autonomous powers of initiative and control, with the task of supervising the functioning and observance of the Model and of updating it.

All FFM suppliers and partners are requested to read the Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo ex D.Lgs 231/01 and the Code of Ethics. The Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo ex D.Lgs 231/01 can be requested by writing to the email, as well as to your business contacts.

To report behavior that is not in line with the Code of Ethics, Model 231, laws, regulations, or in any case capable of causing damage or prejudice to FFM, even if only in terms of image, please use the Whistleblowing channel

Code of Ethics 2024